Friday, February 18, 2011

That Security Guard Is Circling My Car Like A Little Neon Rain Coated Tiger Shark

Once again I'm basking in free parking lot internet waves of communication. It's lovely. They won't give me Bright Eyes tickets though so I'm a little disappointed with that. Today I was confused and lazy. Like all these things I want to do or at least want to figure out how to want to do them but I can't keep my eyes open and can only think of sleep. I think I am ill. I have so many brilliant ideas and no motivation. I have about an hour and a half a day where I can put things together clearly and everything makes sense but then I have to get through the other 22 hours and once the good window hits I have to start all over again, every time. It's like Groundhog Day. I didn't realize how brilliant the film was until I compared myself to it. Comparing things to myself changes everything. Luckily, just as I was dozing off for my third nap of the day, I got called into work and managed to make a few dollars instead of sleeping the whole day away on residential streets and in crowded parking lots. There was snow and lightning tonight, I've never seen the two together and I liked it.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Today is a beautiful day. Sunny and warm and blue. Last night was very cold. Slept quite well though. My Father had a connection here yesterday on his way home from Vegas. It was a short stopover but I thought it would be funny to stand outside and wave as he went to get on to his connection. His first flight was delayed and he missed the second so we ended up getting to spend half an hour or so together at a pretty bad restaurant in the airport. I like him. His knee has gone bad and he has a little trouble walking lately and lots of pain. He's fighting through it though. He had the gunk scraped out of it a few weeks ago but apparently it hasn't helped and just keeps getting worse. It must be incredibly frustrating.
Last night I wasted my money at the casino. I love casinos. I have to stop going to them though.
I'm watching Waiting For Superman so I'm not really paying attention to what I'm writing. It's a good film. It's got me pretty interested in these kids. I was pretty sad when most of the kids didn't get into their schools. The one wait-listed guy just got in. That makes me happy.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stealing Internet At Safeway

Last night I had to sleep in a new spot. My normal spot was taken. It's a lovely spot. No sidewalk. A vacant lot and a fence. Apartments & townhouses on either side of the lot so there are lots of parked cars and nobody notices a new one. For the last week I've been able to sleep between a station wagon and a van that don't seem to get driven so they don't get started and wake me up and there are very few people walking by. Last night though, a little red truck had managed to squeeze into my spot. I was very sad but pulled up a few car lengths and waited to see if it was a good place for me. I sat and watched a lovely woman practicing her modern dance routine through the window of one of these fantastic glass apartment towers. All jerky and sinuous, kind of karate kid and the crane. The guy that goes around with the shopping cart collecting recycling in the middle of the night rolled by down the center of the road but I managed not to get noticed by him. A few minutes later though I sat up and found myself looking right at a nice asian man getting into his car two spaces down. Busted. I was very tired so I considered ignoring it and sleeping there anyway, but if he decides to get suspicious or mentions it to anyone then it's only a matter of time before they run me out of there. I left. Drove around the neighbourhood for a bit until I came to a not awful and not ideal place that wasn't very far away. Just at the end of the sidewalk and no homes or apartments for a few hundred feet in either direction. Also just behind a large moving van so the view both in and out was limited. I was so tired anyway that I just got in my sleeping bag and slept almost through the whole night. Cold but not the coldest I've been since I arrived. I decided to put my blanket inside the sleeping bag a few nights ago and that has made a huge difference. Until you try to sleep your way through it, it's amazing how much cold air can get in through the zipper. And how cold your feet can get way down there away from the heat producing areas. It feels like it goes right through you. It always makes me think of the homeless guys that sleep out on the grates downtown. No blankets or anything, just in the middle of the grate, in the middle of the sidewalk. That flow of air that would make such a huge difference. And being so tired that you just don't care where you are anymore, just to be able to sleep. Anyway, the blanket is a fantastic draft stopper. Much more so from the inside than the outside.

Here's a quote from Hitler - "And if you do not stake your life, you will never win life for yourself."