Thursday, February 10, 2011

Today is a beautiful day. Sunny and warm and blue. Last night was very cold. Slept quite well though. My Father had a connection here yesterday on his way home from Vegas. It was a short stopover but I thought it would be funny to stand outside and wave as he went to get on to his connection. His first flight was delayed and he missed the second so we ended up getting to spend half an hour or so together at a pretty bad restaurant in the airport. I like him. His knee has gone bad and he has a little trouble walking lately and lots of pain. He's fighting through it though. He had the gunk scraped out of it a few weeks ago but apparently it hasn't helped and just keeps getting worse. It must be incredibly frustrating.
Last night I wasted my money at the casino. I love casinos. I have to stop going to them though.
I'm watching Waiting For Superman so I'm not really paying attention to what I'm writing. It's a good film. It's got me pretty interested in these kids. I was pretty sad when most of the kids didn't get into their schools. The one wait-listed guy just got in. That makes me happy.

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